

Can Air-Operated Ejectors Solve Your Problem?

作者/來(lái)源:C.G. LINCK    日期:2010-11-16    點(diǎn)擊量:781

For many years manufacturers have been marketing air-operated ejector. These ejectors have by and large been of the “garden variety” type involving the more simple applications and without too much stress placed on the efficiency of the apparatus. We are speaking particularly of purge ejectors, liquid-moving ejectors, low-vacuum evacuation ejectors, and similar applications.

Today, however, the air-operated ejector is being considered for many applications and the efficiency of the unit has assumed prime importance. The aircraft industries, as well as several process industries, have begun to recognize the value of air operated ejectors, and in some instances, future installations will be made using air or a combination of air and steam as the motive fluid.

This article will concern itself with one such installation as well as some general data on air-operated ejectors.....

  For details.....

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