

Proper Piping for Vacuum Systems

作者/來(lái)源:LOREN WETZEL,GRAHAM MANUFACTURING CO.    日期:2010-11-16    點(diǎn)擊量:546

Optimally designed piping upstream and downstream of vacuum equipment increases equipment efficiency and reduces maintenance. It also minimizes vacuum loss and pressure drop, takes advantage of suction lift to enhance energy efficiency and decreases the risks of flooding equipment or shutting down systems.

Unfortunately, however, contractors or engineering firms doing plant layout frequently either route piping to accommodate existing process equipment, or try to fit pipes into available space. Such slipshod piping configuration contributes greatly to plant downtime and process inefficiency.

In addition, many plant startups and modifications are delayed because a simple piping installation had been performed improperly. And, if a problem is found after startup, it may not be rectifiable without considerable trouble and expense. This article discusses the principles of proper piping design for common plant equipment, such as tailpipes, hotwells and float traps.

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