

Optimizing vacuum systems for energy-efficient operation

作者/來(lái)源:LOREN E. WETZEL    日期:2010-11-15

The economic factor must be taken into consideration in the design and manufacture of equipment that utilizes utilities such as steam, cooling tower water and electricity.

Evaluating operating costs can make or break the profit of a commodity, and can dictate whether an expansion should take place.

Using a combination of liquid-ring pumps and steam jet ejectors in vacuum system design provides cost savings to a chemical plant by reducing energy requirements, maintenance and downtime.


Steam jet ejectors have long been used as a means of transporting gases, liquids or solids from one pressure level to a higher pressure level, particularly in subatmospheric applications.

The ejector has no moving parts, making it easy to operate and durable.

In operation, atmospheric- to high-pressure fluid passes through a motive nozzle where its pressure is dissipated, accelerating the fluid to high velocity as it exits the mouth of the nozzle.

This high-velocity fluid stream (usually steam) issuing from the nozzle mouth entrains the suction fluid. These two streams mix as they pass into a diffuser. The velocity profile constantly changes and the pressure inside the venturi of the ejector continues to rise as the discharge of the venturi is reached....

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