

Convective Flow Boiling In Coiled Tubes

作者/來(lái)源:RODERICK E. ATHEY AND LARRY M. SAUPE    日期:2010-11-15    點(diǎn)擊量:501


Convective flow boiling of liquid nitrogen has been investigated using coiled-tube heat exchangers in order to determine the heat transfer characteristics. This project focused on the identification of the primary variables involved in establishing the flow boiling coefficient for nitrogen using a coiled-tube flow configuration.

The need for an accurate predictive correlation for this coefficient was recognized after an extensive testing program yielded results that did not correspond well with published information. A test method was developed which allowed for the accurate measurement of the boiling coefficient over a wide range of nitrogen flow rates, excess temperatures (Twall - Tsat), and tube coil geometries.

In evaluating nitrogen boiling rate data using a large number of flow conditions and coil geometries, it was found that vaporization rates are a function of three main variables. These variables are :
(1) Mass velocity of the liquid nitrogen inside the tubes;
(2) Excess temperature involved in the boiling process;
(3) Coiled-tube geometry, specifically the ratio of the inside tube diameter to the average coil diameter.

A correlation has been developed which accounts for these variables. This correlation has been shown to be accurate in pre dicting the flow boiling coefficient within 10% for all cases tested.


Graham Manufacturing makes coiled-tube heat transfer equipment (Heliflow heat exchangers) which is frequently utilized as cryogenic vaporizers, with 80% of this service dedicated to liquid nitrogen....

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