
德國伍德高壓技術(shù)公司(Uhde HPT GmbH)

EuroBLECH 2010

作者/來(lái)源:德國伍德高壓技術(shù)公司(Uhde HPT GmbH)    日期:2010-11-03    點(diǎn)擊量:1300

More international than ever - 61.300 Visitors from all over the world
UHPT exhibits 6,000 bar High Pressure Pumps for Waterjet Cutting Systems

For nearly half a century Uhde High Pressure Technologies GmbH in Hagen has already been designing and manufacturing ultrahigh-pressure pumps for industrial use. The development of 6,000 bar pumps for waterjet cutting systems is based on Uhde’s many years of experience in the design and construction of 14,000 bar autofrettage pumps and 6,000 bar high-pressure pumps for pasteurisation plants (HPP). In the year 2001 Uhde High Pressure Technologies GmbH was the first manufacturer to put a high-pressure pump system for an operating pressure of 6,000 bar into series production. The 6,000 bar HP pump type HPS 6045 was exhibited at the EuroBlech in Hanover. Due to 1,455 exhibitors from 43 countries the EuroBlech enjoys an excellent reputation. That is why we invited customers from all around the world to our UHPT stand. Between pump demonstrations, negotiations and many good conversations there was also time to take a deep breath.

Conclusion: The EuroBlech is now a major event in our calendar and we will be there in 2012 (Oct. 23 – 27), too.

德國伍德高壓技術(shù)公司(Uhde HPT GmbH)     技術(shù)支持:元豐咨詢(xún)     蜀ICP備05031754號-2