

Chemoprojekt won in selection procedure for 98,85 percents of state share of the company Technoexport

作者/來(lái)源:www.chemoprojekt.cz    日期:2009-01-20    點(diǎn)擊量:627
Chemoprojekt won in selection procedure for 98,85 percents of state share of the company Technoexport, Inc. Technoexport, Inc. is an exporter and importer of complete investment projects, independent operation units, production units and lines, supplies of machinery and equipment, spare parts, construction and assembly work, and other services related to these investments, including turnkey supplies. During its existence, which is longer than 50 years Technoexport has exported more than 2270 complete investment projects to more than 40 countries.
捷克化工工程股份公司(Chemoprojekt)     技術(shù)支持:元豐咨詢(xún)     蜀ICP備05031754號-2